Status Changes

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Aside from Downed, all ailments last 3 turns by default, shortened by the battle's end or use of certain items or Specials.


The character will lose 10% of their current HP when their turn comes up. Prevented by the Antidote Pin.


The character will be disallowed from using the Special command. Prevented by the Wake Up Pin.


The character will have each of their turns skipped entirely, other than potential usage of the Switch command on the Switch version, though certain physical attacks by enemies will end the Sleep immediately. Prevented by the Wake Up Pin.


The character will be disallowed from using the Attack and Item commands. Prevented by the Trueform Pin.


The character will be forced to Defend or Switch on their turn, the former formally displayed as a mere turn skip, but they will also recover 10% of their current HP when their turn comes up. Prevented by the Trueform Pin.


The character will deal halved damage against enemies (will not stack with Defense Up or the Defend command), and take 1.5 times damage. Prevented by the Fearless Pin outside infliction by King Calamari's Tentacles.


Lasting indefinitely and harder to undo, Downed is inflicted to a character when their HP is reduced to 0 and prevents them from doing anything at all. If the player wins the battle or successfully escapes, Downed characters will be back up with 1 HP by default.


Attack Up

For an indefinite period, the character inflicts 1.5 times damage against enemies. Granted by Energizers and the Troopa Pin. Can be removed by Shredder. Enemies can have this with Vigor Up.

Defense Up

For an indefinite period, the character takes halved damage from enemies, not stacking with the Defend command or an attacking enemy's Fear status. Granted by Bracers and the Ghost Medal. Can be removed by Shredder. Enemies can have this with Valor Up.


For 3 turns, the character is immune to damage. Granted by Red Essences.

Shooting Star Shot buff

For 3 turns, the character has Geno's full Ally Buff benefits without need for 5+ Chain, in addition to a minimal Magic Attack boost of +12% overriden by Mallow's Magic Attack Ally Buff at 3 Chain or higher where applicable. Granted by Shooting Star Shot.

Spare-Us-All buff

The character has the next attack against them fully nullified, although the attack can still influence the Timing Chain to potentially break it. Granted by Spare-Us-All.