Nintendo DREAM

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ニンテンドードリーム (Nintendo DREAM) is a magazine published monthly by Ambit and distributed by Tokuma Shoten.[1].

Super Mario RPG Coverage

Super Mario RPG (as well as the remake) was covered in the following issues of ニンテンドードリーム:

Release date Summary Scans
2023-09 [TBE] Internet Archive
2023-12 [TBE] Internet Archive
2024-01 [TBE] [missing]
2024-04 Kazuyuki Kurashima illustrated a bio of Taro Kudo, which included some information about the latter's work on SMRPG. Internet Archive

The 2024-01 issue also included an art book insert consisting of high-res printouts of the remake's model art. This has been scanned and uploaded to Internet Archive.


  1. “ニンテンドードリーム.” Wikipedia. Last modified September 24, 2024.ニンテンドードリーム.