Main Page

From Super Mario RPG Wiki
Revision as of 02:05, 4 January 2025 by Pidgezero one (talk | contribs)
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What should I write about?

Whatever you want, as long as it's SMRPG related.

Do you want to write a page about:

  • A character (any character, whether they be as major as Geno or as minor as the Marrymore bellhop)?
  • Pages about enemies, including stat tables, appearance rates, where they are, what recolours they have, etc?
  • A ruleset for a playthrough style you like?
  • Bios about the game's developers?
  • Cut content from early in development?
  • Speedrun strats, history, or notable contributors?
  • Influences on the later Mario RPGs?
  • The Geno for Smash campaign and its major players?
  • Technical information about game mechanics like timed hits or super jumping?
  • SMRPG appearances in other media?
  • Tutorials for using (or modifying) the Lazy Shell rom editor?
  • Hex offsets for ROM data and how to modify it?
  • Easter eggs?
  • Merch?
  • Literally anything else that has some kind of connection to SMRPG?

Go nuts, the wiki's your oyster.

But most importantly, if you've been given the editor role, do not waste your time by asking me for permission to go ahead and work on this wiki or to make a certain page. Just do it. Feel free to make up categories for your pages, too.

Need some inspiration? See the list of all current pages.

Editor guidelines


Use citation templates at all times. To do this in the markdown editor, when editing a page, hit the "Cite" dropdown, choose "Basic", hit the + button, choose "Template", search for "Cite", and then choose the media format you're citing.

Currently supported:

Media uploads

This wiki has been configured to mount a Google Cloud Storage bucket in place of its media uploads folder. This means we have lots of space to work with, but storage costs money, so keep uploads as small as you can. No video uploads, embed Youtube instead.