Game script

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Revision as of 22:47, 27 December 2024 by Pidgezero one (talk | contribs)
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Super Mario RPG's English localization was supervised by Ted Woolsey.

You can view scripts and text dumps in this article's citation information.

Human-readable script

GameFAQs user "snoocete" compiled Super Mario RPG's English script.[1]

Text dump

SMWCentral user "TheRewster" posted a text dump of Super Mario RPG's English localization.[2]


Human-readable script

LLTVG wiki user "Mew seeker" uploaded the game's Japanese script with English translation notes.[3]

Text dump

LLTVG user "tashi" uploaded a partially complete text dump.[4]

  1. Madrinan, Aaron "snoocete". “Game Script.” GameFAQs. May 31, 2004. Archived from the original.
  2. "TheRewster". “Text Dump - SMRPG (Clean).txt.” Dropbox. Last modified January 19, 2015. Archived from the original.
  3. "Mew seeker". “Super Mario RPG/Transcript.” LLTVG. Last modified August 10, 2024. Archived from the original.
  4. "tashi". “Super Mario RPG/Script dump.” LLTVG. September 13, 2012. Archived from the original.