Template:Cite web: Difference between revisions

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  "description": "Cite a page on the internet (not social media or a video).",
"description": "Cite a page on the internet (not social media or a video).",
  "params": {
"params": {
    "authors": {
"authors": {
      "label": "Author(s)",
"label": "Author(s)",
      "type": "string",
"type": "string",
      "description": "Follow Chicago style. 1 author: Lastname, Firstname \"Screenname.\" 2-6 authors: Lastname, Firstname \"Screenname\" and Firstname \"Screenname\" Lastname (comma separated except for the last one).<br><br>7+ authors: Include the first three authors as normal, separated by commas (no \"and\"), and then end with \", et al.\"",
"description": "Follow Chicago style. 1 author: Lastname, Firstname \"Screenname.\" 2-6 authors: Lastname, Firstname \"Screenname\" and Firstname \"Screenname\" Lastname (comma separated except for the last one). 7+ authors: Include the first three authors as normal, separated by commas (no \"and\"), and then end with \", et al.\"",
"example": "Kischak, Stef \"pidgezero_one,\" Gamer McDegen, and \"blazeit420.\""
"example": "Kischak, Stef \"pidgezero_one,\" Gamer McDegen, and \"blazeit420\""
"title": {
"title": {
"label": "Page title",
"label": "Page title",
"type": "string",
"type": "string",
"description": "The specific web page's name, not including the website name.",
"description": "The specific web page's name, not including the website name.",
"example": "Interview with Codey McDeveloper"
"example": "Interview with Codey McDeveloper"
"website_name": {
"website_name": {
"label": "Website name",
"label": "Website name",
"type": "string",
"type": "string",
"description": "The host website's name in general, not including the specific page title.",
"description": "The host website's name in general, not including the specific page title.",
"example": "Nintendo of Europe"
"example": "Nintendo of Europe",
"required": true
"url": {
"label": "URL",
"translator": {
"type": "string",
"label": "Translator",
"description": "The full URL at which the page was accessed. Do not include query params unless they change the content of the page in a way that affects the information you are citing. Include the URL if it is known, even if it no longer works.",
"type": "string",
"example": "https://www.example.com/my-cool-post"
"description": "If the page you read has a translator listed, cite them here (format: Firstname \"screenname\" Lastname)",
"example": "Clyde Mandelin"
"archive_url": {
"label": "Archive URL",
"page_url": {
"type": "string",
"label": "Page URL",
"description": "Ideally a Wayback Machine URL for the content you are citing. It is best to include this even if the page you are citing is still live. If the page doesn't exist on the wayback machine yet, change that.",
"type": "string",
"example": "https://web.archive.org/web/somedate/https://www.example.com/my-cool-post"
"description": "The full URL at which the page was accessed. Do not include query params unless they change the content of the page in a way that affects the information you are citing. Include the URL if it is known, even if it no longer works.",
"example": "https://www.example.com/my-cool-post",
"year": {
"required": true
"label": "Year",
"type": "number",
"archive_url": {
"description": "The year during which the page was published.",
"label": "Archive URL",
"example": "1996"
"type": "string",
"description": "Ideally a Wayback Machine URL for the content you are citing. It is best to include this even if the page you are citing is still live. If the page doesn't exist on the wayback machine yet, change that.",
"month": {
"example": "https://web.archive.org/web/somedate/https://www.example.com/my-cool-post"
"label": "Month",
"type": "string",
"year": {
"description": "The month during which the page was published. Use the full name. Requires year to have a value.",
"label": "Year",
"example": "March"
"type": "number",
"description": "The year during which the page was published.",
"day": {
"example": "1996",
"label": "Day",
"required": true
"type": "number",
"description": "The day of the month on which the page was published. Don't use leading zeroes. Requires month to have a value.",
"month": {
"example": "8"
"label": "Month",
"type": "string",
"accessed": {
"description": "The month during which the page was published. Use the full name. Requires year to have a value.",
"label": "Accessed",
"example": "March"
"type": "boolean",
"description": "If you don't know the publish date nor the last revision date of the page, you can use this to indicate that the given date is when you accessed the page rather than when it was published or revised. Requires year to have a value. Overridden by the modified param."
"day": {
"label": "Day",
"modified": {
"type": "number",
"label": "Modified",
"description": "The day of the month on which the page was published. Don't use leading zeroes. Requires month to have a value.",
"type": "boolean",
"example": "8"
"description": "If you don't know the date on which the page was published, but you do know when it was last revised, use this to indicate that the date info describes the page's last revision rather than its original publish date. Requires year to have a value. Overrides the access param."
"accessed": {
"label": "Accessed",
"type": "boolean",
"suggestedvalues": ["true"],
"description": "If you don't know the publish date nor the last revision date of the page, you can use this to indicate that the given date is when you accessed the page rather than when it was published or revised. Requires year to have a value. Overridden by the modified param."
"modified": {
"label": "Modified",
"suggestedvalues": ["true"],
"type": "boolean",
"description": "If you don't know the date on which the page was published, but you do know when it was last revised, use this to indicate that the date info describes the page's last revision rather than its original publish date. Requires year to have a value. Overrides the accessed param."
{{#if:{{{authors|}}}|{{{authors}}}. |}}{{#if:{{{title|}}}|“{{{title}}}.” |}}{{#if:{{{website_name|}}}|{{{website_name}}}. |}}{{#if:{{{year|}}}|{{#if:{{{modified|}}}|Last modified |{{#if:{{{accessed|}}}|Accessed |}}}}{{#if:{{{month|}}}|{{#if:{{{day|}}}|{{{month}}} {{{day}}}, {{{year}}}|{{{month}}} {{{year}}}}}|{{{year}}}}}. |}}{{url}}. {{#if:{{{archive_url|}}}|Archive: {{{archive_url}}}. |}}
{{#if:{{{authors|}}}|{{{authors}}}. |}} {{#if:{{{title|}}}|“{{{title}}}.” |}} {{#if:{{{website_name|}}}|{{{website_name}}}. |}} {{#if:{{{translator|}}}|Translated by {{{translator}}}. |}} {{#if:{{{year|}}}|{{#if:{{{modified|}}}|Last modified | {{#if:{{{accessed|}}}|Accessed |}}}} {{#if:{{{month|}}}|{{#if:{{{day|}}}|{{{month}}} {{{day}}}, {{{year}}}|{{{month}}} {{{year}}}}}|{{{year}}}}}. |}} [{{{page_url}}} {{{page_url}}}]. {{#if:{{{archive_url|}}}|[{{{archive_url}}} Archived from the original]. |}}

Latest revision as of 23:21, 27 December 2024

Cite a page on the internet (not social media or a video).

Template parameters[Edit template data]


Follow Chicago style. 1 author: Lastname, Firstname "Screenname." 2-6 authors: Lastname, Firstname "Screenname" and Firstname "Screenname" Lastname (comma separated except for the last one). 7+ authors: Include the first three authors as normal, separated by commas (no "and"), and then end with ", et al."

Kischak, Stef "pidgezero_one," Gamer McDegen, and "blazeit420"
Page titletitle

The specific web page's name, not including the website name.

Interview with Codey McDeveloper
Website namewebsite_name

The host website's name in general, not including the specific page title.

Nintendo of Europe

If the page you read has a translator listed, cite them here (format: Firstname "screenname" Lastname)

Clyde Mandelin
Page URLpage_url

The full URL at which the page was accessed. Do not include query params unless they change the content of the page in a way that affects the information you are citing. Include the URL if it is known, even if it no longer works.

Archive URLarchive_url

Ideally a Wayback Machine URL for the content you are citing. It is best to include this even if the page you are citing is still live. If the page doesn't exist on the wayback machine yet, change that.


The year during which the page was published.


The month during which the page was published. Use the full name. Requires year to have a value.


The day of the month on which the page was published. Don't use leading zeroes. Requires month to have a value.


If you don't know the publish date nor the last revision date of the page, you can use this to indicate that the given date is when you accessed the page rather than when it was published or revised. Requires year to have a value. Overridden by the modified param.

Suggested values

If you don't know the date on which the page was published, but you do know when it was last revised, use this to indicate that the date info describes the page's last revision rather than its original publish date. Requires year to have a value. Overrides the accessed param.

Suggested values